Talk About Love

Talk About Love

“It ought to make us feel ashamed when we talk like we know what we’re talking about when we talk about love.”
― Raymond Carver

We’ve been on vacation all last week. Since an actual classically defined vacation is a rarity- one where we plan for, anticipate and act on a set get-away, this one was an event we all looked forward to. The however here is that I went away on the motorbike trip to Glacier National Park on my own that I wrote about in the previous entry, and Nancy and the kids went to visit family in Michigan. We reunited on Thursday and by Saturday the trio of them were off on another mini-venture on Mt. Rainier. I needed to get back to work.

I find it refreshing and recharging to spend time alone, I’m grateful to my family that they accept it and accommodate my getaways. On the Sunday that marked the last day of vacation where the cycle of work will kick-start the next morning, I’m not in the best mood. I’m toiling away in the shop gathering the equipment needed for the project to resume and I get a text chime on my phone. It’s from Nancy. It arrives at 3pm, at at time at which I’m certain she’s under remote and verdant tree canopy by then, so it was likely an orphaned text- the kind that gets stuck in suspended animation and flings free randomly. She may well have authored it days ago. It read: “love ya, babe”.

blog pic D+NWe’re an awesome team. I hope she can get a random love note from me someday, one that makes the chores of her everyday demands a little bit lighter and a little more bearable.

To Nancy: “Love You, Babe!”

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