How to be a Parent to a High School Graduate

How to be a Parent to a High School Graduate

Step one: Freak out. It’s really happening. That little kid you helped to get dressed, cleaned-up after, drove to soccer matches and play dates, adored from upon the cold metal seat of a folding chair at a middle school music performance, and worried over as they drove off on a new drivers license- that kid is now an “adult”.

Step two: Intellectualize it. Over-think the decisions about their educational future to a degree that they will not even approach, then worry alternately that you’re not giving it enough serious parental attention, or that you’re overdoing it altogether. Definitely worry about this- a lot.

Step three: Commiserate with other parents, but regard the other families as having a much easier time at resolving their kids future than you have had. They haven’t, but it will seem as much.

Step four: Breathe deeply. They’re the ones who have done all the work. Congratulations young people. You are and will always be the future.

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