Gregarious Growth, Mid-Summer Musings

Gregarious Growth, Mid-Summer Musings

Mid Summer MusingsIts nearly half over.  Soon it will be fall again.  The young people in our lives will go back to, or start school, or maybe they will go off to their next chapter or they will surely engage in  whatever it is that personifies the metaphor of change that for us is so inevitable.  That’s what  autumn does for us, it demonstrates change in unmistakable, sometimes dramatic, often overt, always obvious change.

Hey now, so does summer.  Nancy put a potted bougenvilla on the bench on our deck, a place where I seem to be conscious of  wanting to unwind at day’s end.  I state that in this curiously worded way because firstly;  I do try to unwind, but it’s work so there’s that paradox, but also because nancy and I had a conversation about the potted plant yesterday where not only did I misidentify it (it’s a climbing red flowered vine) as a geranium, I remarked at how much it had grown.

So, today it’s bigger.  So, guess what annual means: it’s gonna not survive to next summer.  I’m taking some inspiration from the bougenvilla:

Go for it.


1 Comment
  • Ryan Yoke
    Posted at 18:23h, 21 July

    In a way, we’re all like that bougenvilla. Just here for a short time, growing as much as we can, blooming at [hopefully] opportune moments, then slowly aging away until winter comes to take us. Go for it, indeed Dave.