Painting Rain Garden Inflow Pipes

Painting Rain Garden Inflow Pipes

We’ve overcome one of the primary challenges to implementing  a rain garden for our customers.  Often times we’re presented with the difficulty of getting roof water to the bioswale when the site is uphill from there the downspouts spill rainwater.  In these cases we run plastic pipe along the house from the downspout to the garden.  Its not an elegant solution- its utilitarian.  We tell our customers that the pipe can be painted which will help blend it into a state of useful necessity rather than a retrofit of unplanned vandalism.  Here’s a picture of a rain garden project from a few years ago where the homeowner painted the supply pipe we installed.  I think the painted pipe looks intentional in the way that a utility conduit looks not-so-out of place when its attached to a house.  It’s not beautiful, but its not objectionable either.

Thanks for reading.



rain water conveyance, painted


1 Comment
  • solar panel installers
    Posted at 09:15h, 01 February

    Very clever. We often encounter a disappointed customer who is faced with the volumes of conduit we run for our installations,. Here’s the answer. Paint them.